Educational Library :: PartyWise

Ironhack UXD Bootcamp Final Project:
The lottery threw me the "PartyWise" project - a database with information about party drugs and their effects and possible side effects. It is an educational library with around 50 different substances and short descriptions.

The general user guidance was to be optimized and the possibility was to be given to publish personal posts on given topics via the platform. The information architecture was to be organized in advance. In addition, a chat bot, a news section, login and registration options, language selection and current warnings from the party scene had to be integrated.

Further specifications on the part of the customer were: The use of the colors of the existing logo and the entire website was to be created in dark mode.

The realization took place using the design thinking process. The research resulted in the development of a more serious rather than playful appearance. The test subjects also wanted brief explanations rather than in-depth elaborations.

A total time of two weeks was set for the realization of this project.

Low- and Mid-Fi Wireframes

Hi-Fi Prototype

As the library is the primary offering of PartyWise, it has been integrated directly on the start page. The substances can be searched for in various ways. On the one hand via the drop-down menu by initial letter, on the other hand by entering text in the search window. So it is also possible to index additional names, aliases and search terms.

The publicly accessible chat bot can be accessed via the teaser on the start page or via the burger menu.

The publicly accessible chat bot can be accessed via the teaser on the start page or via the burger menu.

The so-called safety alerts with current warnings from the party scene were implemented as an overlay. The overlay is displayed once after a short delay when the page is called up and must be actively closed by the user.

The content of these alerts can be found in the scrollable news section.

The so-called safety alerts with current warnings from the party scene were implemented as an overlay. The overlay is displayed once after a short delay when the page is called up and must be actively closed by the user.

The content of these alerts can be found in the scrollable news section.

After logging in or registering, the user is given the opportunity to actively participate in the community by creating blog posts.

After logging in or registering, the user is given the opportunity to actively participate in the community by creating blog posts.

-> Presentation and Prototype (external link to Figma)

-> Case Study (external link to

Presentation and Prototype:
External link to Figma

Case Study: (external link to